Managing Your Career Through Change
At Stonewater Consulting Group (SCG) we recognise that time never stands still and in the employment world having the tools and strategies at hand to help you manage and prioritise your career moves is all important. Our experience is that “change” is the one constant you should expect from your career and our specialists believe in the value of working with you on an Individualised Programme to address your career transitions, however they may occur (through redundancies, forced moves, relocation, different interests, etc). A typical career transition process will include:
Planning The Delivery Of News
How do you tell family and friends that you are being made redundant or have decided to change your career direction? SCG helps you with the pre-announcement stage.
Personality Profiling & Career Counselling
We are professionals at helping you map your personal and work goals and providing practical feedback on whether they are realistic or achievable.
Recruitment Services
You know what you want, now how do you go about getting it? At SCG we develop a targeted approach and introduce your details to our clients. We also provide full assistance with the interview process.
Developing Your Sales Techniques
We assist with resume writing, interview coaching, developing your presentation skills, defining your target market, and training you on how to impact.
Ongoing Career Coaching
The process doesn’t stop there. Our professionals provide ongoing career advisory services; helping you keep track of your objectives, building your networks, and recommending further development & training.
If you would like to have a private and confidential discussion about your career transition options then get in touch with one of our trained specialists.