Honest career counselling & guidance
Our career advice is designed to assist those looking to strengthen their career prospects. The first step is to ask yourself a number of “starter” questions:
- Do I feel challenged in my current role?
- Am I learning and growing?
- What are my short-term, mid-term and long-term career goals and will they be fulfilled if I stay where I am?
- Is my next move clear?
- When I get ready to leave for work, how do I feel?
- How do I talk about my current role and employer (am I positive, negative or ambivalent)?
- Am I comfortable in my work environment?
- Do I feel valued both as an individual and part of the team?
- How do I feel about my colleagues and my managers?
- What are the five things I like most about my job?
- What are the five things that bother me most about my job?
- Do I have skills that are not being fully utilised?
- Am I happy with my current work/life balance?
- Am I really prepared to make a change?
This is just a start, but a good one nevertheless. Once you have taken a look at your current situation, the next step is to map out where you want to be (and set a timeline). The final stage is often the most difficult and is about taking the right steps to reach your goals. For more information on careers advice visit our Thought Leadership section or get in touch with one of our specialists.