The Value Of “Engagement”

Paradigm shifts in the way we do business are usually linked with advances in technology (sometimes referred to as “disruptive technologies”) and the rise of social media is just one of the many “game changers”. SCG discusses a professional service approach to disruptive technologies.

Gainfully Employed Or Not?

Back in 2009, the “Group of 20” meeting in London ended with a grand declaration of unity in the face of the global financial crisis. Underpinning this triumph was a denouncing of free-market thinking, greed, and self-regulation. Inevitably, one of the survival strategies high on the priority list was “organisational restructure”. Years later, we wonder: did it work and what was the outcome?

The Success Formula

For a very long time, researchers and academics have been trying to qualify and quantify the characteristics of success. SCG carried out a study centred on business leaders who exhibited ongoing and prolonged success. What it revealed is that they share a common set of characteristics and personality traits.